Next Sketch Outing

Friday, Sept. 6: Flower World

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Pipes near a condo in Magnolia.

I walk by this hardware at least four times a week on my strolls to Ballard. When the light hit it just right it was time to draw.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Ad Hoc Sketch Outing today

A few members of Urban Sketchers Seattle gathered for an ad hoc sketch outing today at Seattle Center.  Just starting today was the Cherry Blossom and Japanese Cultural Festival.

I traveled in by light rail from the southern hinter land.  I got to Westlake center rather earlier than I thought the Seattle Center Armory would be open. Since it was chilly outside still, I decided to shelter at Westlake and do a sketch out the window of the buildings over the plaza.  I liked the greenery at the top of one of them.

Once at the festival, I thought I should do at least one sketch on the topic of the day.  This is a set of samurai armor posed.

I found this small rock garden next to the Armory.  A couple people stayed fairly still in close conversation.

We gathered again, as usual, to share out sketch books.

seated:  Lynn, Tina; Standing: Ken, Kate (me), Nancy,  Sue (it was her first time with USK!).  Photo by Gordon.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

4.22.13_The Bullitt

I made the first sketch of the Bullitt Building on July 29th, 2012 from the rooftop of our condo at 14th & Pine while it was still under construction. I no longer have this view because a new apartment building has risen to hide it.

This week The Greenest Commercial Building in the World had it's grand opening! It is fun to look at with all of it's crazy angles, glass and solar panels. I made this second sketch in the morning before crowds were lined up to get in for the open house. I feel certain it won't be the last time I draw this structure.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Waiting out a sunburn.

Fooled by the cool breeze, I cooked myself the first day of my vacation and had to avoid the sun for a few days, swimming in the early mornings and late afternoons. So during the days, I drew, read half a dozen books, and chatted with the locals in my fledgling EspaƱol.

Tulips, Tulips, Tulips

With an urge to see a few tulips, I joined the Anacortes Sketchers and Whidbey Island Sketchers in the Skagit Valley tulip fields for a day of color and sunshine. All that sunshine was deceptive, though – we could have used a bit more warmth!
When I saw the endless fields of red and purple, my first reaction was to be overwhelmed. Where do I start? How? I decided it was a good opportunity to paint the way I have always wanted to paint but haven’t done much of – straight to color, no messing around with drawn lines first. When I switched views for a close-up of a few tulips, I considered drawing an outline first as I usually would. But I had enjoyed the looseness of painting the fields straight with paint so much that I decided to sketch the individual tulips that way, too.

My thanks to Missy, Lisbeth, Carolyn and the other Anacortes and Whidbey sketchers for their warm welcome today! And I happily discovered that most of us will be meeting again very soon – at Gail Wong and Frank Ching’s Line to Color workshop in Mt. Vernon this Saturday!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Along the San Antonio Riverwalk

I had to miss that rainy sketching at University Village because I was in San Antonio, TX visiting my mom and nursing a very, very bad cold that left me without much drawing umph.

The long sketch is at the Arneson River Theater in the heart of the San Antonio Riverwalk--still lush and beautiful after so many years. The rusted steel umbrellas are sketched during lunch at La Gloria, a great restaurant in The Pearl along the Riverwalk extension.

Was really great to see the sun for a change...

I leave for my three months in Paris on May 14!!!  I will be teaching a perspective sketching workshop in Civita di Bagnoregio, Italy (there are still spots if you are interested!),
and also feeling very lucky to have gotten into the Urban Sketchers Symposium in Barcelona!!!!  So excited!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

USK Weekly Themes

Perhaps you're like me and watch the Urban Sketchers main flickr group closely.  If you look to the left, depending on how your view is configured, you will see "Discussions".  A few of us here in Seattle have enjoyed participating in the Weekly Theme discussion.  It's a way to get some inspiration and ideas about what to sketch.  I often go out to do a new sketch just for the theme.

This week's has been "Oddities in Your Town".     We certainly have a lot of those in Seattle!  I've added several that I sketched previously but I did go out to capture one local oddity that Tina found on a website

This U-Haul Space Needle is only a couple miles from me. This one stands perhaps 40 feet tall in the parking lot of a U-Haul rental business.

Monday, April 15, 2013


The 39th World Wide Sketch Crawl was on Saturday. A cold and windy Saturday, surely there must be some adage about "cold hands, fast drawing". There are a lot of really nice trees in this shopping center and I wasn't the only one who was drawn to this corridor. It was too chilly to stay out for long so I found a not so busy corner at Starbucks to draw looking out the window for my second University Village sketch. I completed my drawings on location then added color later.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

University Village Cold Crawl

Amidst the ordered and prepared retail environment of U Village the Dante's Dogs cart and the tower crane stood out as temporary and functional structures on opposite ends of the spectrum.

WW SketchCrawl 39

I didn't expect such a large group to gather yesterday at University Village for the 39th WorldWide SketchCrawl but it was warming to see so many enthusiastic sketchers brave the cold, gray day to join in the fun. I drew this scene out in the open after moving one of the many available chairs to get the viewpoint I wanted—the umbrella and table in the left foreground, Tokyo Sweets to the right to complete the framing, the cow, calf and tree in the middle ground, and the shops and tower in the background. It was so cold that I had to keep my hands moving constantly in an effort to keep my fingers warm.

39th WW Sketchcrawl at UVillage

Our 39th World Wide Sketchcrawl was Brrrr Cold!  But luckily we avoided the hail storm that hit us in the late afternoon.  The task was to find a warm place to sketch.  No rain but the wind was biting.
I was able to do two sketches outside. Only the first in front of Room & Board was done all on site in one sitting.  The second sketch I drew but had to leave for a warmer place before I could add watercolor.  I came back after lunch to lay on watercolor.
The third sketch was in the nice warm Starbucks coffee shop... with a steaming peppermint mocha.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Pasta & Tea

I focused on Pasta & Co for my first sketch because of nostalgia. When it first opened in the early 80's I was living in California. While visiting Seattle my sisters introduced me to fresh pasta at the U Village store and upon returning to CA I bought a hand-crank pasta machine and convinced a friend that we could start a business making fresh pasta and selling it at our local market. 

We planned well for a number of months, concocted recipes and inquired about regulation kitchens, while managing the four toddlers we had between our two families. We were never able to get beyond the stainless steel kitchen requirement, but the whole experience was fun and memorable. I still have our recipe sheet with my favorite pesto recipe. 

So in honor of memories of California days...

I laid down a few pencil lines before starting then switched to my pen. Before I started with color I swiped my eraser on the page and smeared right in the center of the page. See that rain coming down just above the door?

Remembering California didn't keep me from shaking with cold after an hour of sketching in the courtyard so we found the new TAZO concept store next to Starbucks. I sipped tea, thawed out and quickly sketched the scenery. 

39th World Wide Sketchcrawl Day in Seattle

This was another fun morning of sketching.  It was really rather cold to be outside but at least it wasn't raining!  The Urban Sketchers Seattle met at University Village for the 39th World Wide Sketchcrawl Day.

For my first sketch, I found a place to shelter on the 2nd story patio of a furniture store.  They graciously even provided a table at which to sit!
Tina sketching
I liked this fountain so much I sat in the cold and wind to capture it.  I thought of it as a mini-Stonehenge.  I painted it while wearing my mittens!

There were so many wonderful sketches.  It's always so interesting to look at them as we share afterwards.  The entire flickr set from today is here.

WW Sketch Crawl at University Village

pencil sketch draft 4B on Aquabee 93#
 I took Gabi's recent post to heart and decided to warm up with a pencil sketch, choosing my composition. The construction crew was working and the crane was re-positioned twice during this draft. I did not like either crane position..but wanted to challenge myself with a crane sketch.

After choosing my focal point and editing out some extra umbrella tables, I began the sketch with a Staedtler 0.1 fine tip pen. Suddenly the construction noise began indicating the crane was going to re-positioned. When it ended up like this, I quickly sketched it with the fine tip ink pen before it moved again. Challenges were to not overdraw the support structure.

Staedtler 0.1 and watercolor on 140#, highlights with Uniball and PITT artist pen

I finished the sketch in ink, trying to use line and contrast to draw the eye to Mrs.Cook's. I added watercolor splashes with more intense color at my focal point. Challenges were to not overpaint.
I added a few highlights with Uniball, PITT artist pen and few touches of intense color highlights when I got home. I was dressed for cold, but my finger tips were numb after two hours outside.

Hardy Urban Sketchers on 39th WW Sketchcrawl

Today's chilly cold temps (for Seattle!) didn't stop a group of 15+ of us USkers when we met at the University Village today to sketch in concert with Urban Sketchers worldwide.  While most of us stayed outside to sketch iconic views of the Village, already bustling with shoppers and UW students...I,  however,  have become a wimp! so I found a great spot INSIDE the Red Mango Shop, looking north, towards Ravenna garden store and Lucky Jeans.  Ahhhhh.

University Village

4/13/13 fountain pen, Zig markers, Stillman & Birn sketchbook
For the 39th World Wide SketchCrawl, the Seattle Urban Sketchers met at University Village on a bone-chilling morning. I saw several hardy sketchers braving temps in the low 40s, shivering in their hats, gloves and parkas to sketch U Village’s sheltered but unheated shopping corridor.
Not me. Kate and I headed straight for Room & Board, the store that moved into the space vacated by the (sorely missed) Barnes & Noble last year. Just outside the store proper was a hospitable set of outdoor furniture in a heated and sheltered area – an ideal place to sit and sketch comfortably. I settled in with a mocha from Starbucks to sketch the parking lot facing Crate & Barrel. I think I filled my quota of car sketches for the rest of the month.

Kennedy Space Center

This sketch was done just outside the Saturn Rocket exhibit at the Kennedy Space Center. The taller building is the vehicle assembly building and is the world's tallest single story building at 525 ft and covers 8 acres. This is the place where space shuttles and Saturn rockets were assembled. 

The weather was partly cloudy, windy and warm and in the time it took me to do this sketch I managed to get a painful sunburn, hey I'm from Seattle, we won't see the sun for two more months.....

Sunday, April 7, 2013

One of our own

Despite constant rain, it was a happy day.  Peggy Haug married Juanita, her partner of 23 years.  Peggy invited me to bring my sketch book and then suggested I try the view from the balcony.  It was perfect, both for photos and for my sketch.  This was at Immanuel Lutheran Church (ELCA) in the South Lake Union neighborhood of Seattle.  

I sketched during some of the service in order to get the background done prior to sketching the ceremony.  I've never sketched during church service before.  I laughed a bit at myself:  I wanted to stay in my seat to layer a wash in but the Gospel was being read.  Sit, stand??? Argh!  I stood and let the wash be.  Liturgical propriety and respect won out over a bit of art.

All but the larger portrait was done on location and during the ceremony.  I added that at home.

Congratulations, again, Peggy and Juanita!

Ravensdale Market

Drove out to the family property on Green River to draw, but over the years I've drawn every nook and cranny of the cabin and grounds and couldn't get inspired. On the way home I pulled across the street from the Ravensdale Market and sketched the store as several locals asked to see what I was doing. "I used to draw," said one old timer who looked like a down-and-out Santa Claus, "but I gave up and threw all my stuff away. You got good details in there." As he walked back to his car, he said, "Yeah, I used to do that."

Friday, April 5, 2013

Seattle Sounders

Tuesday evening I attended the Sounders vs. Santos Laguna (Mexican team) soccer game.  I had time before the game started to set up the majority of this sketch, then painted and finished while watching the game.  A thoroughly enjoyable way to sketch; great crowd, a local micro-brew and watch an entertaining match. Too bad the Sounders didn't win this first leg of a home&home series for the CONCACAF Champions League Semi-final.  Good luck to them this coming Tuesday down in Mexico... Go Sounders!!!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Cherry Blossom "Snow"

What a gift last Sunday was! - oh my!!  Since I live close to the UW, I got on my bike and rode over to the QUAD, in the center of the campus where some 50-60 very large, old Kwanzan Cherry Trees were in full bloom.  What a glorious sight!!  Every year, during the last week of March, I check out the blooming progress of these trees.  What a bonus to have them in full bloom on such a warm day!
I ended up on the northwest side of the quad, on a grassy slope.  I was struck by how bottom branches of all the trees had been trimmed to a certain level about 5 feet off the ground.
 And why the title of this posting?  My grandfather painted a large majestic watercolor of cherry blossom trees on a windy day, and he called it "Cherry Blossom Snow."  You can see it at my personal blog.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

An artist's view of Paris - October 18-27, 2013

View of the Louvre through the Orsay Museum clock window
Paris Art Beyond the Louvre
You're invited...
Saturday, May 4 at The Savvy Traveler 
112 5th Ave S,
Edmonds, WA
Tuesday, June 11, 6-8pm at Seattle Central Community College
Room 1139B, lower level. (Enter at 1716 Harvard Ave.)

“For a painter, the Mecca of the world, for study, for inspiration and for living, is here on this star called Paris.” Voice-over introduction by Jerry Mulligan (Gene Kelly), An American In Paris (1951)

Those who know me—even just a little—know that I have an unbridled passion for Paris. The city has over 200 museums filled with the greatest art the world has known. Art is everywhere—from inside the Louvre to historic back streets and passages.  

I have been to Paris eight times and counting; whenever I am there, I discover new and wonderful sights and sites, much of it off the beaten tourist track. I have long wanted to share my Paris experiences with other art enthusiasts, so I have organized an 8-day creative arts excursion to Paris in partnership with Seattle Central Community College and American Institute of Foreign Study (AIFS).   

Each day the group will explore a particular area of the city, with designated time for sketching, photography, writing and group discussion and sharing, in addition to planned visits to major and lesser-known museums, art venues and neighborhoods. A planned yet flexible itinerary will offer varied options to suit individual preferences.

In addition, two major arts events will be going on during our time in Paris: FIAC—International Contemporary Arts Fair and the Festival of Autumn.  And yes, we will have a guided tour of the Louvre.
For more information (and some cool links) please check out:
call 206.934.4141

Architectural Sketching Workshop in Civita, Italy July 5-10

Sketching in Civita di Bagnoregio!

Hi Sketchers,
Some of you may know that I have been an architect and architectural illustrator for 25 years both in Seattle and New York City.  I have also been teaching perspective sketching for most of that 25 years--for a decade at Parsons in New York, briefly here at UW, and for a number of years at Cornish College of the Arts, as well as workshops directly to architectural firms. I also recently won a fellowship to France and will be in Paris for 3 months, sketching and painting architecture and landscape every day!

Also this summer, I will be teaching an architectural perspective sketching workshop in the amazing town of Civita di Bagnoregio, ancient pedestrian-only hill town about 60 miles north of Rome.  Planned together with NIAUSI, the Northwest Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies in Italy (the same folks who have awarded fellowships to Seattle Urban Sketchers Dave Boyd and Anita Lehmann), we will have the opportunity to stay in the organization's beautifully restored, stone facilities in Civita.

The workshop promises to be amazing, and if you have ever wanted to really LEARN perspective, this is your opportunity! We will be sketching the charming streets, piazzas and buildings of Civita, the farmer's market in Bagnoregio, the hills and orchards in the valley below, dining al fresco in the garden, and more.  We'll cover perspective, pencil and pen sketching, and watercolor (I recently qualified to become a signature member of the Northwest Watercolor Society).  And because this is the first year we are offering this event, it will be fairly short, very reasonably priced, and the group will be very small, 5-7 people with lots of one-on-one instruction.

If you'd like more information on me and my work, please go to and click on the links.
For info on the Civita Workshop including itinerary and costs, go to and click on Civita Workshop.
You can also contact me directly at
For more information on the beautiful NIAUSI facilities in Italy, go to
To see what Rick Steves says about Civita,

Be sure to sign up soon!!  Space is limited!