Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Feb. 26: Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Saturday, April 13, 2013

39th World Wide Sketchcrawl Day in Seattle

This was another fun morning of sketching.  It was really rather cold to be outside but at least it wasn't raining!  The Urban Sketchers Seattle met at University Village for the 39th World Wide Sketchcrawl Day.

For my first sketch, I found a place to shelter on the 2nd story patio of a furniture store.  They graciously even provided a table at which to sit!
Tina sketching
I liked this fountain so much I sat in the cold and wind to capture it.  I thought of it as a mini-Stonehenge.  I painted it while wearing my mittens!

There were so many wonderful sketches.  It's always so interesting to look at them as we share afterwards.  The entire flickr set from today is here.

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