Next Sketch Outing

Sat 12/15 St Pat's Parade (meet Central Library)

Monday, April 30, 2018


Café Javasti, Wedgwood Neighborhood

Suzzallo Library, with Location Drawing Class

Café Racer "Dune Night"
I recently moved to Wedgwood and have begun sketching my new local coffee shops in the mornings.

An in-class demo drawn for my Gage students during class.

Drawn at the bar of Café Racer during the monthly drawing jam, held the third Tuesday of the month, from 7-11pm. All the drawings are then collected into a zine called Dune.

I have a show of a dozen large watercolors at Phinney's Herkimer, where I sat and drew the view from the corner window.

I'll be giving a book talk and signing at Third Place Books in Lake Forest Park on the 7th at 7pm. I went to scope out the space and drew this found still-life in the same room where I'll be chatting. I hope you'll come out for it so I'm not left talking only to this clay frog.
New book cover

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