Next Sketch Outing

Sat 12/15 St Pat's Parade (meet Central Library)

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Frank in the Shadow of the Troll

4/28/18 Fremont Troll
The last time I sketched the Fremont Troll, it was on a scorching summer day last year when the shade of the Aurora Bridge and a soft breeze had kept several urban sketchers comfortable.

Yesterday morning, 12 students in Frank Ching’s workshop sought shelter under the same bridge – this time from rain instead of sun. Under the Troll’s watchful eye (singular), Frank talked about “Locating, Framing and Composing Views” in urban sketching.

By the time I got there, the heavy rain had slowed to a drizzle, but the weather still wasn’t exactly hospitable. After snapping a few photos of Frank and his students, I was going to leave, but then the Troll caught my eyes (plural). Although I’ve sketched him several times, I couldn’t resist another quick one.

A bunch of tourists gawking at the Troll? No -- just Frank and his students.

Chilly sketchers stay dry under the Aurora Bridge.

Frank drops Mel a line.

Frank gives Pam a pointer.

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