Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Feb. 26: Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Ice Cream and Turkey Legs, the key to survival at Washington State Fair

Let's face it. You say that you go to the state fair to see the animals, or visit the arts and crafts pavilion, watch the rodeo or get Todd Cooper to sign an autograph. But you're really there for one thing: SCONES!

Pro Art Sketchbook, Micron pen, watercolor & collage
How delightfully convenient that the ad hoc outing of Seattle Urban Sketchers met at the Gold Gate at the Washington State Fair in Puyallup on Friday. You can stand near the fountain, just inside the gate and within your view are all the signs: Elephant Ears, Fisher Scones, and a new treat, Dole Pineapple Whip.

After sharing our sketches, Tina and I stayed for lunch and more sketching afterwards. And ice cream.

If you want to get a table or even a place to sit down and enjoy your treats, your odds in this mob are better at a beer garden. Possibly 2/3 of the patrons milling around you are not old enough to get in.
Not only that, but we just had to see this: the world's largest "self serve" micro-brew experience: BEER HAVEN...and it's mobile! I wasn't allowed to draft my own beer, state laws, I think, but the Lemon Shandy was tasty and thirst quenching. Perfect on an 83 degree afternoon at the fair.
-Sept 11, 2015


  1. Great group of sketches and pages! Yes, I had ONE scone.

    1. Heheh. Up to now, no names were revealed.
      Thanks for your kind words, MK

  2. I like your story sketches that use sample images to describe a place. I'm told that lines are part of the BBQ culture. I met someone from Toronto that told me of standing in line for three hours at Franklin BBQ in Texas, not an uncommon wait-time at Franklin's. He's still friends with the Californians who were in line next to him. That was three years ago. Anyway, really nice work and it looks like fun too!

    1. Thanks for your kind words, Jane.
      I had no idea about lines and BBQ culture. At the fair, if my memory serves me, they had 8 cash registers abreast with a line on either side of each one. At the time Tina and I were there, each of those lines were at least 8-12 people long. Plenty of people to make friends with, but much too fast, I guess.
      You're right, it was quite a fun sketching day.
