Next Sketch Outing

Friday, Jan. 17: Museum of Flight

Monday, July 13, 2015

Georgetown Sketche and Kubota Gardens

I had a good time at the Georgetown Garden walk. There were lots of great gardens to see plus plenty of opportunities for sketching and talking with people. I only managed to get in this one sketch of the Carlton Avenue Grocery. I did learn from Kate that this is the oldest continuously operating grocery store in Washington State.

After Georgetown, I went to Kubota Gardens. I had visited the gardens the previous weekend but was driven away by the heat. The cool weather this weekend made for a much more pleasant visit.

Entrance garden and walk way
Mountain side garden as seen from the Heart Bridge

New pavilion recently added to the garden. This was the site of last year's August sketch crawl.


  1. I LOVE these, Logan. The simple lines the blue and yellow trees. They're wonderful! Nice to see you yesterday.

  2. These are really beautiful. I know, it was SO hot the day we went to Kubota. I'm glad you went back and these sketches of that garden are lovely.... I particularly like the all the colors in the last sketch

  3. Totally awesome sketches, Logan!! I am loving the 3rd sketch, with all the drama of light and dark, in an uncomplicated drawing, with stunning color!! Keep at it; you're "hot!"
