Next Sketch Outing

Sunday, Feb. 8: UW Biology Greenhouse

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Inside EMP

I was also booted out of my spot on the floor, so I moved into the cafe.  
Two feet to my left was Frank Ching and 2 feet to my right was Gail Wong...  Inspired?  Intimidated?  You betcha!

In attempting to get the right shade of purple in the distance, I managed to overwork the color.  But looking up into the building's intestines was very interesting...


  1. It looks like you can hold your own though!

  2. This has such great movement. The lines just flow like a symphony. I like that you got the full height of the structure. I'm sure I would have stopped at the top of the purple stairway, but you took it on!

  3. You were able to get the forms so well! Lovely!
