Next Sketch Outing

Sunday, Feb. 8: UW Biology Greenhouse

Saturday, February 4, 2023

LNY at Asian Museum

We met at the newly renovated Asian Art Museum in Volunteer Park today.  They were having a Lunar New Year Festival.  We arrived before that started so were able to sketch in nearly empty galleries.

This piece used to be displayed in the main Art Museum downtown.  Some/One is made of thousands of stainless steel military dog tags by Do Ho Suh.  He completed it as an assignment for the Rhode Island School of Design to express identity through clothing. He thought about his identity as a Korean in the USA and recalled his mandatory service in the Korean military.  The dog tags "reduce individual lives to a handful of letters and numbers." The sculpture takes the shape of Asian armor.  

Reduction is made of porcelain by Kondo Takahiro.  "The 3/11 triple disasters in Fukushima triggered Kondo to create this series of sculptures, which are modeled after himself.  Seated in a meditation pose, he is pondering the essence of the world". 

Mak Fai Kung Fu & Lion Dance Association performed a live Lion Dance.  The walls of the hall are all stone so it was so loud! I escaped the room before they started.  I was finishing my sketch of this sculpture when the dancers set the lion heads down in front!

Above it I added a sketch of a piece of "White Rabbit" candy that I was told is the most popular in Asia.  It was given to participants in today's activities. 

A few sketchers had already left by the time we gathered for a photo.  

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