Next Sketch Outing

Sunday, Feb. 8: UW Biology Greenhouse

Thursday, January 26, 2023

The new greenhouse

We had visited the old University of Washington Greenhouse a few times. This was our first visit to the Biology Greenhouse in the newly built Life Science Building. It is many times larger than the old one. Manager Katie Sadler was our wonderful host. She gave us a quick tour, noting the central hallway is longer than a football field.

As with previous sketches in the old greenhouse, I like to sketch something that illustrates the workings of the facility. I chose a table with this odd selection of items: a foot tall cone, a jar of small cones, a colored tape dispenser, and a large jar of ground cinnamon.

The Costus barbatus had huge leaves and some interesting blooms. I added the corner of the door to give the sketch a semblance of location.

The hanging pitcher plan might be my favorite of this group. It reminded me of a friend of a friend who grew many such plants in his personal greenhouse. I always enjoyed seeing them when we visited.

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