Next Sketch Outing

Saturday, July 27: South Lake Union Market

Friday, July 30, 2021

USk at SLU

It was a scorcher as it eventually got to 93 degrees, which is too hot for us here in PNW.  We started in the morning with a cool breeze off the lake.  Urban Sketchers Seattle met at South Lake Union Park today.  

I stayed in the shade of the large MOHAI* building. I always like to sketch a view of the space needle.  If there's a crane in the frame, all the better.  Still so many cranes in SLU. 

Not wanting to walk around much in the increasing heat and unrelenting sun, I spotted this worker painting "Innovation". 

We had a goodly number of people attending. Tina left early but I think everyone else is in the photo. 

* MOHAI = Museum of History and Industry

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