Next Sketch Outing

Saturday, Jan. 25: Gab & Grab

Friday, July 26, 2019

Who to Pity?

We sketched together today at the Museum of Flight's Vietnam Veterans Memorial Park.

I also used the occasion to host my annual "Symposium Pity Party".  Several of our sketching friends are in Amsterdam now for the Urban Sketchers International Symposium. Gabi, Gail, Stephanie, Tina, Sue, Ellie, Carol, Antonella, Kate, Renee, and maybe more, are all there.

I made little stick-on badges for everyone. My first draft read "I wish I was there" but the second draft was "We want stroopwafel", a reference to the Dutch cookie. When I shared this, several people said they weren't sure who to for not being there or them for being there in 100+ degree heat! We started the morning at about 70 degrees.

The pity party consisted of coffee and stroopwafel. These are waffle like cookies with caramel filling.

At the end of our sketching session we had the throw down in the shade of the massive B-52 as it had gotten somewhat warmer...perhaps 85 degrees! 

Since I've done a one and a half year series on the B-52, I didn't sketch it today. I do want to sketch a rear view but today I didn't want to sit in the sun.

So I did two sketches of the upper rear of the Boeing 747. The Museum has RA 001, the first one made. I used two different techniques and different sized paper. The second one was without line and was smaller (A5).

That's a part of a wing pin I found on the ground. 

Lastly, I sketched a fighter jet.

A few more photos.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea hosting a pity party. We hosted a similar event in St Louis today. In honor of the Amsterdam location, we all sketched the historic Bevo Mill windmill (#uskstlouis). But I wouldn't have minded sketching B-52s if there were stroopwafels to eat.
