Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Mar 12 Columbia City

Friday, May 27, 2016

Rocket, But No Saturn

5/27/16 Kwanjai Thai Cuisine on N. 36th St.
Despite last night’s downpour and the early morning’s drizzle, our sketch outing to the Fremont neighborhood stayed dry and downright pleasant! After our initial meetup in front of Lenin’s statue, I didn’t have to go very far for my first sketch: the tiny Kwanjai Thai Cuisine on North 36th Street. You’ll probably guess that it wasn’t the café, as cute as it is, that caught my eye – it was those humongous high-tension power line towers behind it. It’s hard to sketch in Fremont without capturing at least a glimpse of them.

By now I’ve sketched many things Fremont is known for – the topiary dinosaurs, the infamous statue of Lenin, the Solstice Parade’s nude bicyclists – but one I hadn’t yet checked off my list is the Rocket, and another is the planet Saturn atop its namesake building across the street. I circled the block twice, often walking backwards, trying to find a way to get both the Rocket and Saturn in the same sketch. Somehow there was always a tree, a building or just a clumsy composition keeping me from what I wanted. I finally settled on the Rocket alone, but I know there must be an angle I missed. Next time I’ll catch them both.

5/27/16 The Rocket

We had a great turnout on this weather-iffy day, including four sketchers joining us for the first time! Welcome to Jean (a student from Taiwan), Ching (who moved here from Australia), Suzette (visiting from Baltimore) and Amy (who heard about us from Suzette minutes before Suzette came to meet us)! 

Back row, from left: Jean, Susan, Marcie and Ching. Front row: Marvin, Tanya, Michele, Sue, Suzette, Nilda and Tina. Behind us: Vladimir Lenin.
(Not pictured: Amy and Vivian)

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