Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Mar 12 Columbia City

Friday, May 27, 2016

Coffee, Electric Cloud and Lenin's Boot

Most drivers would feel a bit frustrated when the bridge alarm goes off just as you approach the Fremont drawbridge. It means about a 5-7 minute delay in getting where you were going. For me, though, it meant an opportunity to sketch the little drive through coffee stand from the comfort of the passenger seat in the car. No distracting traffic in the opposite lane! I did the sketch in the time the bridge was open and finished the color later.
I managed to get two small sketches in before sharing with the Seattle Urban sketchers today.
Electric Cloud Coffee is a drive through stand located on the south end of the Fremont drawbridge. They are known for their breakfast burritos and hemp lattes.

My 5-7 minute view of Electric Cloud Coffee
Read about the history of the Lenin statue here
I arrived late for our outing in Fremont this morning. We had an alternate location in case of rain, but the sun was breaking through the clouds by the time I got there. No time to sketch the whole statue of Lenin, so I settled for a quick 20 minute sketch of the boot. Wish I could have done a sketch of the workers resting in the square as the sun finally came out.
Workers on break in the square near the Lenin statue.

20 minutes to sketch Lenin's boot in a rain puddle with sun breaks.
PM-Columbia City Coffee Break
AM-The Station Coffee House, Beacon Hill

It was a true Seattle cultural day for me, with morning and afternoon coffee breaks, sketching in Fremont and lunch with the sketchers out on the sidewalk tables at PCC nearby.

Why was I late? My husband wanted me to try out a cool coffee shop in the Beacon Hill neighborhood. We went there first, then over to Fremont so that I could sketch with Seattle USK. After lunch at PCC we explored the shops in the Columbia City neighborhood, where they have some kind of dark chocolate whiskey cake at the bakery. I'm calling it a scouting trip for upcoming sketch locations.


  1. Yow -- those treats were worth being late! Nice Lenin foot!

    - Tina

    1. Thanks, Tina. Is it a coincidence that the difference between "late" and "latte" is only one letter? Anyway, I enjoyed the challenge of trying to depict the patina on that boot.
