Next Sketch Outing

Sunday, Nov. 3: Overlook Walk

Monday, February 1, 2016

Starbucks Roastery

I got to the sketchcrawl early to scope out a view, but it wasn't until Steven Reddy pointed me in the direction of an upstairs view--once I saw it for myself, I knew I had to attempt this. As usual, I get about 10 minutes into these complicated views and ask myself, "What was I thinking???"  But I plow ahead and hope for the best.

This is the initial blocking out of the sketch--can you guess what vertical corner I drew first?

And this is the completed pencil and watercolor sketch. I think at least half of the pencil work
ended up on the back of my hand, so it all got a little too gray and murky!  
Got very dark in the space too, so while I painted 95% at this spot, I did take it outside near a window to add the last bits...while I sipped a green tea latte next to Sunil's talented family of sketchers!

Click on this view to see it larger!

For anyone interested, I have some Seattle Urban Sketchers workshops coming up called Good Bones in which I teach basic perspective sketching made easy and also an intro to watercolor the next day. If you are interested, please read more on my website or on the Urban Sketchers workshops page (thank you, Gail Wong!)

You can also find a 50% off discount link on my website for my Craftsy course, "Perspective for Sketchers"...Craftsy offers several really great classes taught by a cadre of familiar Urban Sketchers.

And finally, I'm also very, very honored to be teaching in Manchester at the symposium this July! Hooray!!!


  1. Amazing sketch of a unique Roastery view! See you in Manchester!


    1. Thank you, Tina...see you there!! And ouch, the air fares are insane right now!!!
