Next Sketch Outing

Friday, Jan. 17: Museum of Flight

Monday, February 1, 2016

New Year Lion Dance

My town has a branch of Uwajimaya, the local Chinese market.  Every year, they bring a group of Lion Dancers sometime near the Chinese New Year.  Sunday was the day!

Feather and I met there. We arrived an hour early in order to sketch the special displays.  We sat at a cafe table and both sketched this display with Lion masks.  We gathered some on lookers!  A mother and son were particularly interested and had lots of questions which we enjoyed answering.   

Once the Lion Dancers arrived, we packed up and went outside to watch.  I brought the "good" camera.... the Canon DSLR.  I put that puppy on continuous shooting (in a film camera it was called motor drive!) and fired away during the Lion Dance.  I came home with 160 images, which were culled heavily down to 26.  I also shot video with my Nexus 5 (phone).  All the photos are here.

Once that excitement was over, I went back into the market to sketch the large dragon sculpture that hangs from the ceiling.  He is there all year long.


  1. You caught the colorful festivities at Uwajimaya!


  2. What a great celebration of sketching! Wonderful.
