Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Feb. 26: Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Friday, November 27, 2015

Something for Everyone: The Renton Public Library

11/27/15 Renton library interior

Librarians will tell you that you can find just about anything you want to know at a public library. This sketcher would say that you can also sketch just about anything you want at a library – at least at the Renton library.

11/27/15 Cedar River running under the library
First of all, how about a scenic river? The Cedar, which runs right under the library, is comfortably sketched through wide windows on either side of it, along with trees and even a traffic bridge.

Need some perspective practice? Look in any direction in the wide-open, naturally lit interior space, and you’ll see lots and lots of parallel ceiling, window, shelving and wall lines all converging on those mythical vanishing points. Rows and rows of neatly squared chairs and tables will also keep you busy.

Or maybe people are more your thing? Jackpot – they are everywhere, so completely engrossed in their PCs, books, newspapers and phones that they will be oblivious to your steady, head-on gaze – even if it lasts for 20 solid minutes.

I don’t know about the other Friday sketchers who met today at the Renton library, but I found just about everything I needed there.

11/27/15 busy patron
11/27/15 yet another
11/27/15 another busy patron

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