Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Feb. 26: Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


10/6/15 the house next door (Maple Leaf neighborhood)

Our neighbors next door are getting a new roof. Betty came over last week to warn us of the forthcoming noise and mess, but instead of being dismayed, I was thrilled – what a sketch opportunity!

After all the old shingles were torn off (unfortunately, I missed most of that), a truck appeared with a long conveyor belt attached to haul all the roofing material up. Sketching from the street, I finished the line work just in time – the truck put away its belt and drove off before I could get the color on.

Next I went upstairs to our bedroom window, which gave me a front-row seat of all the roofing action. These guys have to squat, crouch, kneel and pretzel themselves into the most uncomfortable positions, all the while taking care not to go tumbling down that sharp slant. I was somewhat reassured that they all wore harnesses, but my adrenalin was rushing the whole time I was watching.

One thing about them I envy: their tool belts! Hanging right at arm level in such familiar positions that they can grab without looking, their tools are always right at hand. Imagine all the pens and pencils and paints I could fit in there. . . 




  1. If you filled a tool belt up with drawing supplies, it would still weigh less that what the workers carry.
