Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Feb. 26: Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Monday, October 12, 2015

Perspective for Sketchers

Fear perspective no longer!!
For those interested in learning more about perspective sketching, I'd like to share this opportunity (got the OK from the blog gods). 
Today I join the ranks of other Urban Sketchers like Marc Taro Holmes, Shari Blaukopf, Paul Heaston, and coming up, Jim Richards and Lynne Chapman, in offering online courses together with Craftsy.  And our own amazing Steven Reddy too!!!

Mine is called what else but "Perspective for Sketchers" and it launches today. 
For more info and a discount link for Urban Sketchers, please visit my blog

This class is really thrilling for me, as it brings together 25+ years of teaching architectural sketching, career as an architectural illustrator/architect, and my love for sketching on-location to a much broader, literally a world-wide audience.  I don't want people to fake perspective or ignore it, or avoid sketching buildings because they fear getting it wrong.  Perspective is actually easy, once you know what to look for!