Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Feb. 26: Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Sunday, June 14, 2015

A Tug at the Center of the Universe

6/14/15 Bering Titan tug 

The south end of Fremont near the Ship Canal has no shortage of fun sketch subjects – funky cafes and bars, distinctive architecture and a general center-of-the-universe attitude we all know and love about Fremont. Nonetheless, the Bering Titan tug, owned by the Western Towboat Co., was a popular sketch subject this morning among the Seattle Urban Sketchers. At the sketchbook sharing, I must have spotted at least a half-dozen sketches of this colorful tug, which has been under construction for several years.

6/14/15 David H. sketching the tug.
After I finished that sketch, I wandered around the neighborhood for quite a while, then eventually ended up back where I started. Taking a slightly different angle, I sketched another crane at the towboat construction site (and a teeny-tiny David sketching next to the fence).

Afterwards a few of us went to lunch at Drunky’s Two Shoe BBQ. Among the vast and varied decorations in my view were many animal heads mounted on the walls, including a jackalope, and a chainsaw chandelier. Nearby were an alligator, a raccoon holding a box of Crackerjacks, a chandelier made of camp lanterns and several velvet paintings, including one of Jesus with Elvis (although there was some debate about whether the second person was Elvis; I think it was). Horse shoes were embedded liberally in the floor. Out on the patio were a few live chickens (well, they were alive when Michele spotted them; it’s a BBQ place, after all) and the smoker where all the meats and fish are smoked. (This place has a lot of possibilities for a future indoor sketch outing!)

6/14/15 Drunky's Two Shoe BBQ

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