Next Sketch Outing

Saturday, March 29: Third Place Commons and Olympia cherry blossoms

Saturday, April 18, 2015

An Urban Sketching Event at the Burke

Kay Tyllia, right, sketching with a young participant.
Urban Sketchers Seattle enjoyed sketching at the Burke Museum so much in March that we went back for more. This time we were invited by the Burke to create an event that would encourage other visitors to sketch at the museum, too. The Burke provided sketching materials and a clothespin line where participants could hang their work.

It was tough competing with 65 degrees and sunshine outside, but the museum managed to entice a few visitors indoors. We all found new artifacts to sketch, and Kay was especially enthusiastic in encouraging young sketchers to participate.

Sketch by Tina Koyama
Thanks to Frank Bettendorf, Gail Wong, Kay Tyllia, Steve Reddy, Donna Allen, Tim Taylor and Mark Ryan for volunteering today, and many thanks to Eva Childers and the Burke for inviting us to this event! 
Frank and the big guys
Steve and Donna
Gail sketching the Seahawks logo inspiration
Mark sketching the Terror Bird
Sketches by Mark Ryan
Sketches by Kay Tyllia
Sketch by a Burke enthusiast

Sketch by Tina Koyama


  1. fabulous. What a great initiative by you and the Burke Museum. Were people keen to join in or just curious to look?
    Do you think that you will repeat it another time?

    1. Thanks, Alissa! I do think the kids who participated had fun! I hope we'll be invited back again sometime!

      - Tina

    2. What a great idea! As a child who sketched, drew and colored all the time, I would have loved having an opportunity like this. I hope more occasions like this will become available to art-inclined people of all ages!
