Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Feb. 26: Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Roastery Redux Plus Melrose Market

2/22/15 Starbucks Reserve Roastery
After biting off way more of a composition than I could chew the last time I sketched at the Starbucks Reserve Roastery, today I took a smaller view. This time I think I managed to both chew and swallow – though barely.

In any case, it was an especially fun gathering of Urban Sketchers Seattle this morning with a huge turnout – at least 40 were counted! Sketchers were scattered all over the Roastery as well as on surrounding sidewalks. I didn’t have quite the fortitude to sketch outdoors like some brave souls, but I admire those who did.

After my sketch at the Roastery, I walked down the street to Melrose Market, a small collection of cafés and retail shops housed in a cool old building. It, too, was filled with sketchers! I climbed the stairs to the upper level, and when I looked down over a railing, I got a bird’s-eye view of Bob sketching.

2/22/15 Bob sketching at Melrose Market


  1. Tina I really like how you captured Bob sketching. A great "looking over his shoulder" view.

  2. Ditto what David said. One of your best figures yet, Tina!
