Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Feb. 26: Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

January Sketch Outing

Sunday January 24 * (yes, this is a repeat of February 2015)
10:30 - 1:00 **

3 locations: 
1. Starbucks Roastery  - meet here at 10:30 am
2. Melrose Market
3. Six Arms Brew Pub

1. Starbucks Roastery
1124 Pike Street, Seattle 98101
(In the building that was Utrecht )

More photos of the Roastery 

1501-1535 Melrose Avenue, 
Seattle, WA 98122

Six Arms   300 E. Pike St., Seattle, WA 98122
across the street from Roastery; opens at Noon

 * We're changing the date to the fourth Sunday instead of the third to avoid conflicting plans on the holiday weekend (Jan 16-18)

**We're changing the time because Melrose Market doesn't open until 11:00. This way we have more indoor sketching options and we won't overwhelm one place or the other.


Parking map for the area:

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