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Saturday, Jan. 25: Gab & Grab

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Six Arms...Three Sketches

Our Ad-Hoc group of Friday sketchers met yesterday in the warmth of the Six Arms, a rather unique bar and eatery located on Pine, at Melrose.  One could visit every day for a year, and still find fresh subjects each time!  This time I chose the very large, ?cast iron object that might be a ?pig-dog?  Whatever it is, one cannot miss noticing it!

I'm not sure why I haven't shared my other two recent Friday Sketches, but for the record, here they from our visit to the U-Village, and one from the day a few of us met at Jefferson Park in the Beacon Hill area.
Lamy Safari pen with Noodler's #41 Brown ink and watercolor

F-C Albrecht Durer W/C pencil with wash

1 comment:

  1. I like the color you painted!They are really nice.Also, I wander what is the watercolor brand you use?thank you!
