Next Sketch Outing

Sat 12/15 St Pat's Parade (meet Central Library)

Monday, November 18, 2013

Washington Trust for Historic Preservation Fundraiser

Thanks for all the sketch donations that I received yesterday!  You are a wonderful and giving group to donate some very precious works of art to two great causes: WTHP and USk.  You can still donate if you get me your sketch by December 8th.  Send me an email and we can arrange an exchange.

After leaving the UW Botany Greenhouses I decided to sketch my works to donate since I had a free afternoon.  I had two places in mind to go and since the Seahawk's game was underway I figured the streets would be quiet to get around.

The first was Harborview Hall a 1929 restrained art deco style nurses residence designed by Harlan Thomas on the campus of Harborview Medical Center. 

 As I was sketching I could hear the roar of the stadium crowd cheering on the Seahawk's victory.  The shadow of the main hospital cast its profile across HVH.

Next I moved to the location of the fundraising event next month knowing that they would like to have a sketch of their headquarters.  

All who donate are welcome to come to the event on December 12th.  I will email details to all who donate and want to come celebrate preservation and the holidays!

The Stimson Green Mansion was a location of one of our sketch outings a few years back, but always an interesting subject both inside and out!

If you are looking for more ideas, Seattle icons are popular and
the preservation lists which you can find below or on the WTHP website.

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