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Friday, Jan. 17: Museum of Flight

Friday, September 27, 2013

Hidden Treasures at the UW Botany Greenhouse

Even though the weather wasn't great, it didn't matter when Tina and Kate and I met at the UW to explore the greenhouses just across the road from the Medicinal Herb Garden.  I wonder how many UW students you would have to ask before you found one who ever heard of the existence of the gardens and greenhouses!  As far as I'm concerned, it's a GREAT best-kept secret!
There were so many interesting things growing in the rooms, and, it seemed, in every nook and cranny.  But this bunch of drying sunflowers spoke to me.  As usual, I'm the slow sketcher, so I was only able to get one sketch, BUT, I promised myself, I WILL go back very soon.
And the views outside, stunning, with the foreground of  unique things growing in the gardens, and some of the traditional Gothic buildings in the background.  Or, you could sketch the blue wheel barrel  against the garden shed!  Perhaps I'll see you in there someday!