Next Sketch Outing

Sat 12/15 St Pat's Parade (meet Central Library)

Monday, August 19, 2013

Busy, busy waterfront

I think most of Seattle and as many tourists were on the waterfront yesterday. It was a perfect day for sketching. I couldn't help but think how we deserved it. Remember some of our outings- rain, snow and plenty of gray?

I found the viaduct very hard to sketch. But I will also miss it and felt committed to giving it a shot. Elliot's Oyster House looked especially charming with exploding hanging flowers. I had to add darks to both sketches at home. All that sun must have misled my sense of colors.


  1. magnificent sketches, Peggy! popping color and value.

  2. Fresh and summery! Great job on the viaduct; it's a presence, but not overpowering

  3. Very nice! Great point of view in both. I also like what you wrote which adds to the images. Frank B.

  4. Clarity is what comes to mind looking at these. The darks do help things pop. Really nice sketches.
