Next Sketch Outing

Saturday, Jan. 25: Gab & Grab

Friday, May 10, 2013

Ad Hoc outing to Fremont

We met in the Center of the Universe, aka Fremont.

Despite having lived just south of Seattle for 13 years, I'd never walked around Fremont.  It was great fun!  My first goal was seeing the Troll.   I only did this one sketch during the official part of the sketch outings because I had too much fun talking to other people who came to see the Troll. 

I tried to put into practice what Gail Wong taught in her recent workshop about reserving the white spaces in the sketch.

We met to share out sketchbooks.

One person is missing as there were 13 of us today.
The rest of the photos of sketchers in this set

After lunch and more walking around Fremont, I did another sketch.  The Fremont Rocket is 1950's surplus from AJ's Surplus in Belltown.  It was acquired in 1991 but not installed until 1994.  It bears the official Fremont crest and Motto:  "De Libertas Quirkas" (Freedom
to be Peculiar).


  1. Love the troll sketch, Kate, and the "white" spaces! Wish I could have joined you.

  2. Looks like so much fun. Oh to be off on weekdays! Nice sketches of Freemond landmarks.
