Next Sketch Outing

Friday, Jan. 17: Museum of Flight

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Interiors of the First Church of Christ Scientist

Sunday I went to the open house of the First Church of Christ Scientist which we sketched for sketch crawl in September.  The church has be broken up to 12 units opening up to the center as a common  lobby.  You would have to like walking stairs to want to purchase a unit.  It is interesting to see that they kept all the detail along the exterior walls. New interior partition walls terminate at the detail, so you might have a portion of a door or portion of a pediment if the partition wall is located in the middle of a detail.  I guess they wanted to save the historic pieces in place and express that this was an adaptive reuse of the building.  I sat in the largest unit and did some quick sketches.  Painted at home from photos.

By the way, I haven't been commenting on sketches because the blog won't let me leave a comment for some reason.

Interior Unit 3 upper level looking toward the exterior deck.
Unit 3 Ceiling and cornice detail.


  1. That would have been fun, wish I'd know it was happening. I like the way you include the ceilings. Winter in Washington is the time for interiors.

  2. I love the windows and room details, great sketches Gail!

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