Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Sept. 18: Washington State Fair

Sunday, November 28, 2010


I circled the entire market and came back to this icon. I can't live in Seattle and not draw this sign. The Post Alley view was supposed to be the next sketch...maybe the next time it snows I'll go back.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Article in Cross Cut

Hi all!  Hope you had a great thanksgiving.  Just posted today is an article by Ronald Holden about our Urban Sketchers Group.  He joined us at our last sketchcrawl to see what we are all about and talk to the participants.  Great article in  Here is the link!   He will also be posting on

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Snow Day in Seattle

Just a little aside from the Pike Place market sketches.  Here's a look at the Japanese Tea Garden entry on a snowy, sunny day in Seattle.  Check my blog site for the full description.

Pike Place Market Musicians

Decided to sketch the entertainment, the guy with the guitar was very good, the guy with the accordion I couldn't hear (drew him from across the street) and not quite sure what kind of costume the dog was wearing - statue of Liberty maybe..... Pen and ink, watercolor.

Monday, November 22, 2010

some other views of the market

I didn't make it to the sketch crawl. However, I have drawn at the market several times this year. Here are some of the results.

Market sketches -- 21 Nov 2010

Urban sketching interests me as practice looking at environments rather than subjects, an area in which I could use some work.

Labeling your posts

Hi all,
Just some info.  When you post, if you put your name and the place separated a comma in the label box the blog is set up to naturally organize the posts based on those words.  So if someone wanted to see all the sketches of Pike Place Market they would just have to click on Pike Place Market in the label section.  Or if they wanted to see all the work done by you...they would just have to click on your name.

Pike Place Market

As others have mentioned, it was almost too cold to draw, even with fingerless gloves on. Interesting to compare everyone's iconic views of the market entrance from 1st Avenue and Pike Street. My wide view causes the large Public Market Center sign to lose the immediacy we normally perceive it to have. I think a more closely cropped view would have worked better. The second sketch is of Post Alley.

Cold but Great Turnout

Cold day at the Market - but still a great place to sketch. Decided to skip the watercolor addition on my line drawing and instead headed over to Beechers Cheese to warm up and try one of "Oprah's Favorite Things". Their Mac and Cheese did not disappoint!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Pike Place Decked Out for the Holidays!

It was a biting cold day.  I was just barely able to finish my first sketch before seeking a warmer place to sketch. The first sketch was at the entry to the Market by the information Kiosk.  The Second sketch I did in 20 minutes before meeting the gang...was in front of Lowell's cafe in the Market.

Pike Street Market

I sat in front of Starbucks until I was shaking with cold, 
then headed inside for an eggnog latte. One of the benefits of winter. 
I think we should go back in warmer weather. There's so much to choose from...

Post Alley

Monday, November 15, 2010

Reminder: Sketchcrawl this Sunday November 21

Hi all,
Just a reminder of the Sketch Crawl at the Pike Place Market this Sunday 10:45 a.m.
Meet at the Bronze Pig under the Public Market Center sign.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Veterans Day

Hey fellow sketchers! Here are some sketches from my Veterans Day. I love it when the Space Needle has a flag on top. I went to the Harry Potter exhibit at the Science Center and I would recommend it to any Harry Potter fan! Along with Seattle Center I also drew a church in Everett and IKEA in Renton.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

How I spent my Halloween

Thought I'd better post something before you all forgot me. Here is my sketch of one of the lovely greenhouses in the Botanical Gardens in Buenos Aires. They have a distinctly Victorian flair from the time of British influence. The varied architecture is one of the  interesting features of Buenos Aires.

Monday, November 8, 2010


Get ready for the upcoming sketchcrawl at Pike Place Market-Sunday Novmember 21st.
We will meet under the Public Market Center Sign at the Bronze Pig at 10:45 a.m.  Part of the market is currently being renovated so this is a good time to capture it under construction as well as sketch typical market events and landmarks. Hope to see you there!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Grande White Mocha

I observed this fellow waiting patiently in the rain outside the Bothell coffee shop, Cafe Ladro.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sketches from a BC Trip

Here's a few quick sketches from our anniversary trip to British Columbia in October... we took a wonderful boat ride up the Harrison River, great sunny crispy cool weather...

Fishermen were everywhere, on the shore, in the water with hip waders on, standing up in boats...
We had dinner one night in a Chinese restaurant... always fun to save those good fortunes...
People lined up for Tea Time in the hotel after their pool time, dressed in their white robes and bathing suits...
What could be better than a hot cup of tea with cookies on a cool fall day?