Next Sketch Outing

Sat 12/15 St Pat's Parade (meet Central Library)

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Through the West Window

1/16/22 West view sketched while Zooming with USk Seattle, Maple Leaf neighborhood

USk Seattle is back on Zoom, at least until it warms up enough so that we can meet safely outdoors again. Instead of doing only a “hold up” of previously made sketches, we tried something different: Sketch together while chatting online. Apparently USk Poland, whose members are geographically spread throughout the country, has been sketching together online since before the pandemic. Thanks to Carol for suggesting the idea, we gave it a try, and it was a lot of fun! We had more time to chat than we usually do at real outings. With more than 20 in attendance, we’d never be able to sit at the same cafĂ© table for wintertime sketching, even during “normal” times. Meeting on Zoom would not be my choice if it were safe to meet in person, but it does have its benefits.

Another benefit is that a member and a former member were able to participate from other parts of the country!

Today's theme was to sketch a room, through a window or whatever we could see from wherever we were. The view through my west-facing window, which I have sketched several times as color temperature or value studies, made a convenient primary triad study this time. The fog gave everything a challenging mid-value tone, but I tried to liven things up with exaggerated hues.

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