Next Sketch Outing

Sunday, Feb. 8: UW Biology Greenhouse

Sunday, July 18, 2021

The Four and the Fifty

 As Tina explains below, today was Urban Sketchers Seattle's 12th Anniversary.  

From that first outing, 12 years ago: 

Today's group photo, courtesy of Stephanie Bower.  As Tina noted, about 50 people here represents what is likely our largest gathering ever!


 These four artists were at that first outing and have continued to participate over the ensuing dozen years.  Unfortunately, our founder, Gabi Campanario, was unable to join us today.  

 Frank Ching, Gail Wong, Frances Buckmaster, Mark Ryan

Oh, right.  I did do a sketch today.  Many people picked the Vernon as their subject and all of them are different. 

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