Next Sketch Outing

Sunday, Feb. 8: UW Biology Greenhouse

Sunday, May 9, 2021


 celebrating being fully vaccinated, a friend and I went on a 5 night campervan trip up to San Juan Island and back. it was much more comfortable than my solo van trip in December, nice to have company, and wonderful to have it get dark at like 9pm rather than 4:30pm. also this place we live is so beautiful!! here are some sketches from my watercolor sketchbook.

our first night, we aimed to get to Larabee State Park by Bellingham, but found a perfect parking spot w/o overnight parking restrictions on Chuckanut Drive with a great view of the Sound.

the ferry to the San Juan Islands is always such a treat. I drew little thumbnails of some of the islands we passed. then we stopped at this little park outside Friday Harbor where there was an old cannery area. I didn't see any trace left of industry on the island, but it used to be huge here.




coming back down south via Whidbey Island, we stopped at Deception Pass. I opted to draw a view other than the bridge since I've painted it several times. it's always a fine balance of wanting to see a lot of things on a trip like this vs committing to staying in a place long enough to sketch it.

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