Next Sketch Outing

Friday, Dec. 27: Swansons Nursery

Friday, January 31, 2020

Good Grubbin’, Gabbin’ & Grabbin’

Natalie shows her favorite sketchbook format -- the Hahnemuhle accordion.

Sheltered from this morning’s blustery wind and rain at the Northeast branch library, USk Seattle held one of its most popular events of the year – our seventh annual Gab & Grab. We show-and-tell about our favorite sketch supplies and swap books and materials we no longer use. This year we tried a new format: We started at noon and brought in bag lunches for good grubbin’, gabbin’ and grabbin’! I forgot to photograph all the goods up for grabs, but we easily filled four of the library’s folding tables.

It’s fun to share and reuse materials and even more fun hear about new things people have discovered. Thanks to everyone who participated!

Alice shows us her favorite watercolor palette.

Anne tells us about the Perpetua pencil, which is made of 80% graphite.

Kathleen shows a sketch she made with the ArtGraf water-soluble graphite pencil.

Nilda explains why she likes to make samples of colored pencil hues on toned paper.

Roy found a new pencil clutch at the University Bookstore.

Victoria shows us her folding watercolor palette with extra-deep mixing wells and a design that keeps paints moist.

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