Next Sketch Outing

Saturday, March 29: Third Place Commons and Olympia cherry blossoms

Friday, August 23, 2019

Leschi neighborhood

By the time we met for throw down, over 25 sketchers came to sketch the Leschi neighborhood, on the shore of Lake Washington. There were a few first timers, too.

Our sketchbooks filled 2 picnic tables!

I decided to drive back south about a mile to Mt. Baker park. I'd noticed this view a couple times. That's the I-90 floating bridge in the background. I tried sketching in watercolor and added the pen lines after.

There was a team of King County Fire Department rescue divers training as I sketched. The trainer stopped to look at my sketch and told me they had a couple new members so were training here as they get many calls to this location. On the other side of the dock is a swimming area.

I walked up to the street level to sketch this set of steps. This was done in pen with no pencil draft. Both sketches are on Stonehenge Aqua 140# coldpress watercolor paper, 5.5x8 inches (A5-ish).

1 comment:

  1. Nice sketch of the stairway! I haven't seen that in a long time. I used to wade at that beach when I was a kid! More of my nostalgia fest.

    - Tina
