Next Sketch Outing

Sat 12/15 St Pat's Parade (meet Central Library)

Sunday, March 31, 2019

A Saturday in Bremerton

I was itching to get out of the city a couple weekends back & realized that I should OBVIOUSLY go take the ferry somewhere...somehow I haven't done this yet! I chose Bremerton instead of Bainbridge because you get more ferry for your fare, and bc I was interested in Illahee State Park & Reserve for their camping potential (in warmer weather). I rode my bike down to the ferry, and as soon as the boat left I already knew I had made a great decision. The mountains were all out and I felt a great sense of freedom! I sketched some tiny views as the ferry chugged across the Sound, then through the passages around the peninsulas. I underestimated how beautiful it would be out here. 

My first stop in Bremerton was kind of obvious - the USS Turner Joy, retired warship, now floating museum. I didn't want to pay the $$$ admission to go on so I sketched "her" from the pier. The first page of this new sketchbook did some unexpected speckling when I added watercolor, but it kind of works? I used masking fluid to save the white of the masts in the foreground and kept detail to a minimum (focusing only on the shapes and darkest areas), which I find to be a counterintuitive but solid strategy for capturing confusing scenes.

I love biking to explore new areas, but I really underestimated those hills around Bremerton. especially since I've been using the e-powered Jump bikes a lot, I am mentally and physically weaker than I once was (also my bike could use a tune up). I spent all the uphills gasping and fantasizing about how much better it would be if I was riding a moped (soon!) instead of a squeaky old road bike. To partially make up for the physical exertion, the views north of town of the foothills and the Olympic mountains (so much closer!) were pretty stunning. I stopped to catch my breath by the small Bataan Park on the way to Illahee State Park and did a sketch of this steep street.

I will be back to explore more when I have my motorcycle license and it's warm enough to camp! If not sooner; I wish I left more time to bike around the flatter Port Orchard area. To get there, you just step onto a $2 "foot ferry" which is a beautiful historic wooden boat - one of the famous Mosquito Fleet of the PNW- and go across the water. You can even swipe your Orca card to pay the fare. 

1 comment:

  1. Great sketches. Thanks for the tip for simplifying complex scenes. I'm often confused when sketching boats like these and can get lost in the details.
