Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Feb. 26: Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Sketches from the Seattle Center Outing

My Sketches from the October Sketch Outing to the Seattle Center.  
The weather was beautiful for a Seattle Fall Day!

The back entrance to the Armory Building (formerly the Food Circus during the 1962 Worlds Fair).
With a peak-a-boo view of the Space Needle.

The Key Arena before they start renovation for the new NHL franchise (formerly the Coloseum during the fair and when the Sonics played there).  This past year home to the WNBA champs, Storm.

Inside the Armory I sat at the Blue Water Bistro and watch the Huskies on TV, ate lunch and did a sketch.

Finally ended my day at the International Fountain, watching the kids in the water, listening to the music from the fountain and sketching the activity while sitting in the beautiful fall sunshine.

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