Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Feb. 26: Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Vista Del Mar

After months of sketching Seattle indoor cafe scenes, I decided to pursue a theme of outdoor activity while on vacation in Southern California. With the Pacific Ocean in view, outdoor activity prevails.
San Clemente Aquatic Center

I discovered a massive community of outdoor activity at the San Clemente Aquatic Center.  Coaches and a lifeguard waited for classes to begin at one of the aquatic center’s gigantic pools.  The pristine building facility created a light-filled backdrop for the aqua water. The students impressed me. They were confident and strong, swimming laps for a full hour. 

One day, my busy hosts gave me their car keys and said; you don’t mind entertaining yourself do you?  No problem, after all, I was in Orange County, the happiest place on earth (Disneyland). 
Historic City Hall, San Clemente, California

I found happiness sketching in downtown San Clemente, a picturesque coastal town filled with Spanish-style architecture. Known as the home of the Western White House during the Nixon years, the white stucco buildings and red tile roofs glistened under a clear cerulean blue sky.
San Clemente Pier Fishing

I appreciated all day free parking. No need to watch the clock as I walked the beach and San Clemente Pier.  A solitary man was fishing and surfers tried their best to catch waves. 

Soccer practice
Lifeguard station

In San Clemente, beach trails run along the coast.  Sitting under a cabana, I sketched walkers, tall palms, and a trail lifeguard station. On the only overcast day, two young women practiced passing a soccer ball with professional skill.

Looking south toward San Clemente Pier
The last sketch of the series was created while listening to the sound of surf.
Finding colors to represent green water and pale sand, I was glad I brought my kit to the beach.


  1. Thanks for sharing all those sunny days and the lovely sketches that emerged from them!

    - Tina

    1. Thanks Tina! The sun was so bright I used the white of the paper generously.
