Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Feb. 26: Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Friday, May 11, 2018

Magnolia United Church of Christ

5/11/18 Magnolia United Church of Christ

It was cold and cloudy as Seattle USk members gathered on the front lawn of Magnolia United Church of Christ, but inside it was warm and welcoming. The friendly church staff opened the sanctuary for us to sketch the stained glass, vaulted ceilings and other details. Along with the majority of sketchers, though, I opted to stay chilled so I could tackle the church’s exterior. Described as reminiscent of a Cotswold cottage, it has the kind of rustic, irregular masonry that was fun to try to capture. On this overcast morning, though, it was tough finding shadows to punch it up.

5/11/18 Mack concrete pumper in Magnolia Village
Magnolia Village, the neighborhood’s retail center, is just a few blocks away, so I walked briskly into town to warm up. I considered sketching Fire Station 41 with its bright red doors and Art Deco architecture. . . but what I really wanted was a fire engine! I walked back and forth for a while, hoping one would appear (and, you know, just park outside – not rush to a fire). Instead, I spotted a bright red Mack concrete pumper truck. OK, so it’s not a fire engine, but it would have to do.

Many thanks to Barbara Bernard of Magnolia Art Exchange and Kathleen Keckler for organizing the outing with the church!

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