Next Sketch Outing

Sunday, Feb. 8: UW Biology Greenhouse

Saturday, March 24, 2018

David's 10x10

As usual, I took the light rail into downtown Seattle. I get on near the starting location for the route but by the time we got further along, the train filled up with marchers.I sketched two young people across from me on the train who were obviously on their way to the March.  He wore the march t shirt.  She had a Hogwarts lanyard!

The reason for the trip was David Chamness's USk Seattle 10x10 workshop, "Freedom from Worry: Immerse Yourself & Let The Sketch Flow".

Scenes from the workshop and throw down. We didn't take a group photo!

It worked for me in a big way (pun intended). I sketched larger (9 by 12 inches) and looser than usual. I didn't like the Benroya one at first but it has since grown on me. David's coaching was helpful! 

This camel sculpture is from China, Ming dynasty (1368-1644). "It is thought to be from the spirit path to the tomb of Zhu Gaosui (died 1436), third son of the Yongle emperor (reigned 1403-24). Marble"

The Military Guardian is also from China, Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). "From the spirit path of an unknown tomb of the 17th-18th century. Marble".

David encouraged the bold colors. 


  1. Kate I think your sketches turned out great and I was glad that you pushed outside your normal zone. Thanks for taking my class.!

  2. I love the Benaroya one, Kate. The looseness, the colors - great sketches.
