Next Sketch Outing

Sat 12/15 St Pat's Parade (meet Central Library)

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Fun with USk at Funko

Urban Sketchers from Seattle traveled about 30 miles north to the world headquarters of Funko for the monthly outing today. We met at 10am even though the store doesn't open on Sundays until 11:00. A line was already forming when I arrived at 9:30 am. We got an insider's tip and went to the roof of a 4 story building across the street from Funko.
I brought two sketchbooks, one for ink wash and one for watercolor line and wash.
My "mysterious" sketch of  Bat Girl  for Inktober Day 15
The parking garage roof was a great viewpoint for sketching the customers lined up waiting to get in and the giant figures of pop heroes securely attached to the overhang. The sunny exposure made it much warmer than the cold 50°F weather would indicate. It was positively chilly downstairs in the shade.
Formerly the old Bon Marche, this was where I bought onesies for my babies. In the distance, down Wetmore Ave., you can see the tan colored Funko building reflected in the blue glass sides of the last tall building.
My finished spread with building reflections, fall foliage, people lined up and Carolyn sketching.
The Crown Logo casts a shadow across the sunny sidewalk where Carolyn was sketching.
I was hoping that I could Pop! myself at the little Do It Yourself action figure counter inside, but it's not quite ready yet. So I had to settle for a digital Pop!elganger with the Pop! Yourself avatar creator online. I do hope they add sketchbooks and pens in the accessories section.
I "popped" myself  as a super hero sketcher on the parking roof across from Funko


  1. Oh, is that Kate? Nice montage of all the stuff going on down there from our terrific vantage point! It was so much fun, wasn't it!

    - Tina

    1. Yep, that's Kate all bundled up and cozied in her chair in the sun. 😄 So much more to see and sketch. Enough fun to want to return for another go at it!

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    3. Ooops! Not Kate!
      Thanks, Kate, for unraveling Carolyn Roberts's disguise. Now I have to write "not Kate" on my sketch!
      Sorry, Carolyn, but your disguise was too good! 😃

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