Next Sketch Outing

Wednesday, Feb. 26: Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Ballard Locks (not the scenic view)

2017_09_17 USk Ballard Locks

Well, I was a kind of embarrassed about posting this sketch. See, I was feeling a little grumpy the last time Seattle USk met at the Ballard Locks. Every time I go to this popular spot, it seems more crowded and more covered in caution signs and barrier fencing (trying to keep the tourists out of the ship canal). So, contrarily, I sat down on a bench with no particular view and drew what was in front of me. Too much realism?


  1. "We are truthful to the scenes we witness." ;-)

    - Tina

  2. I like it because it captures what actually exists and records what others would ignore. Thanks for doing this.
    Frank B
