Next Sketch Outing

Saturday, July 27: South Lake Union Market

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Ballard Locks - 9/17/2017

Although have been Ballard Lock several times, yet this is first sketched here. Observation defer sketching from sightsee, that including sound, color, air, atmosphere of surrounding. I like to capture this first image of Bay Bridge with fall color framed. I following Tina's suggestion of walked few steps higher on southend. Last stop, at Visitor Ctr asked a Centennial celebration stamp. - 100 Years !

While waiting for group throw-down, in front of wave sculptures, two images caught my eyes...a aged lady in the wheelchair was enjoying around...and a young boy was exciting to watch boats and fishes.
Interesting contrast..."Memory vs looking forward(future)"
A very quick sketch to depict the moment!

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