Next Sketch Outing

Sunday, Feb. 8: UW Biology Greenhouse

Friday, June 9, 2017

Views from the 7th floor

The Friday ad hoc group met downtown today.  This is a private office building... so private that the elevators require a key card. But on the 7th floor is a public patio, accessible by a specific elevator. It offers 180 degree plus views of downtown Seattle from a high up vantage point.  It's simply "the Fourth and Madison building".  It was a bit chilly up there but we didn't get rained on. 

The oddly shaped blue building on the right is the The Mark, a sparkling new office building with a hotel.  The older, domed building below it was the First United Methodist Church which was founded over 100 years ago. Now it's "The Sanctuary", part of the Mark. It will be the hotel's events center.

Next was a view of the Space Needle. Can't resist that!

There were some new people but they left before the sharing and photo.

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