Next Sketch Outing

Sunday, Feb. 8: UW Biology Greenhouse

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Lest we forget....

The day before Memorial Day - In remembrance of our war dead and their families......

Though I never want to deal the crowds on Memorial Day itself, for the past few years I have visited Tahoma National Cemetery in the days just prior.  I take flowers to put on grave sites without them and then I do one or two sketches while I think about the sacrifice represented there. 

I went this morning before it became too hot but I still sweltered in the sun as I sketched.  I knew I wanted to attempt the wide scene as The Mountain would be out!  This VA cemetery is situated such that Mt. Rainier can sometimes be seen over the honored dead.  And it was today!  

While sketching a couple people came up to look and talk.  One was Laurie, whose son is buried here.  She started Lion Heart Heroes Foundation.  A couple men also stopped.  Like me, they knew no one buried there but just thought it was the right thing to visit and pay respects.

More details on my personal blog.  

--Kate Buike

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful sketch, Kate, and a very nice remembrance.

    - Tina
