Next Sketch Outing

Sat 12/15 St Pat's Parade (meet Central Library)

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Meet the Correspondent - Suzanne Shaw

I came to US in 1993 from Singapore.
I always love arts, but did not really involved until children grown up and finally retired 3 years ago. I started my first Watercolor class over Vancouver,WA, since then never stop loving its beauty of purity. Two years ago I learned USk from one of Artist friend, starting the journey of sketching. I have been participated sketch outings as often as I could. 
This year, I would like to challenge myself to associating my sketch or painting to storytelling. In spite of English is not my first language, I will do my best while walking with many gifted artists. Below are two of my earlier sketchs: #1 was done at Convention Ctr (A Native American stature),#2 was done at Balboa Park, SanDiego.


  1. Wonderful sketches! It's been a delight to know you through USk Seattle. Welcome to the ranks of correspondents.

  2. Welcome, Suzanne. I look forward to seeing you in the upcoming months. Really nice sketches.

  3. Welcome, Suzanne! It's been great sketching with you. Now we will get to enjoy your posts as well. :)
    Your "Artist friend"

  4. Happy to be in this community that we all share our passion and love of sketching, painting. Thank you all!
