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Wednesday, Feb. 26: Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Seahawks Series

I can't be the only one who finds it more and more difficult to write a post when I have gotten behind. I want to post sketches in chronological order, but that means catching up on my scanning first. So, I'm going to break the cycle and just show you what I have been doing with my Sundays...

2016_10_16 Seahawks v Falcons

We don't have a television, and streaming a Seahawks' game inevitably means our wifi signal will flicker out just as the ball is sailing into the endzone, leaving my husband and I cursing at our monitor. So we have resolved the issue by heading down to the Copper Coin in West Seattle about a half hour before game time. With a little luck we nab a good seat, enjoy a win (or a tie), a couple beers, and I get in some sketching.

2016_10_23 Seahawks v Cardinals

2016_11_07 Seahawks v Bills

2016_11_13 Seahawks v Patriots


  1. What a great series -- so Seattle. ;-) I love the viewers from different angles.


  2. Fantastic sketches, Sue...really beautiful linework!

  3. I love your sketches! Especially the shading.

  4. Thank you all. I am really enjoying just drawing with a pen right now.
