Next Sketch Outing

Saturday, July 27: South Lake Union Market

Friday, October 21, 2016

Sunday sketch outing

Sunday Oct 23
Green Lake
10:00 am - 12:30 pm

Autumn colors should be in full bloom at the lake. Up on the north side the neighborhood bursts with new businesses and old buildings. The Green Lake branch of Seattle Public Library has stark contrasts and arched windows. Poke around and I'm sure you'll find something that suits your fancy. 

If you want to sketch the Green Lake (Carnegie) library but it’s raining, there’s a handy bus shelter directly across the street where you can stay completely dry. 

Meet in front of PCC  
Greenlake Village
450 N.E. 71st St. 
Seattle, WA 98115 

See monthly outing page for additional details about this location. 

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