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Wednesday, Feb. 26: Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Greenlake Brick

We can thank the gods of autumn for staving off the rains this weekend. After postponing our Monthly outing due to last week's great storm that wasn't, today Greenlake was ablaze in gold as the autumn sunshine lent us it 's golden glow. The blue skies completed the color wheel making everything even more vivid. The summer umbrellas at Greenlake Grill were mostly folded, only one remained open to lend shade to adventurous diners. 

The Great Hall at Green lake sits on the corner of Maple Leaf and Woodlawn. I couldn't find much history but it now serves as a venue for meetings and weddings. I first spotted it last summer when my brother gave me a walking tour of the campus of Billings Middle School which is just across the street. These trees lost their leaves early, making it look more like the middle of winter.  

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