Next Sketch Outing

Sat 12/15 St Pat's Parade (meet Central Library)

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Sketching the Georgetown Garden Walk

Today's sketch outing was a test of my new sketching gear that I will be taking to England for the Symposium.  My light!  Is that possible??? There is always something else you think you need to take... another sketchbook, the perfect palette, extra brushes all sizes and types of containers for water and an easel.  It is the fear that you won't have what you think you will need that makes you take more than you need.  I am going to force myself to see what I can do and how comfortable I can be when traveling with a minimal amount of gear. 

What I have is the Pocket Art Tool Kit by and three pocket palettes...(business card size palettes. I have 27 colors with those palettes. I am able to put 5 Escoda travel brushes in the toolkit,  ink pens and waterbrush as well as a little water squirter that you can get with the Pocket Art tool kit.  I am using a coroplast sheet as a watercolor board and will tape loose sheets on the board for sketching.  I will take extra loose sheets and one sketchbook.  You get a lot of stuff from the symposium so I want to save room for that. 

The only thing is overcoming my fear that I won't be able to sketch with this new set up...just a mental thing on my part.


  1. Nice sketch, Gail, and good for you for lightening up your bag! Always my goal too, but not usually successful. ;-) See you in Manchester!


    1. Thanks Tina! Yes it will be fun. Bring your umbrella!
