Next Sketch Outing

Sat 12/15 St Pat's Parade (meet Central Library)

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Rainbows and candles: Hope amidst horror

I heard about the vigil on my way home from Seattle on Sunday - 7:00 pm in Sylvester Park, the closest thing we have to a town square in Olympia.

I arrived mid-way through, just as the sun was casting it's glow to the treetops. Like Melanie Reim, I felt a little intrusive, standing with my sketchbook. We listened solemnly as speakers vented. I sensed we were all processing the horror of the day's events in Orlando.


Emotions ran high across the gamut - anger, blame fear, empathy, love...  Rainbow flags furled and unfurled with the light breeze.

Candles flickered, but persisted. A minister sang a song, "How could anyone ever tell you, you are anything less than beautiful..."

We wept inside, grieving the Orlando victims, and grateful for community. 


  1. Wonderful account, both in sketches and words.

  2. I love how the flags and the trees are colored in your sketches. Beautiful and your words are thought provoking.

  3. Beautiful and moving reportage, Jane.

